Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy ŻOLIBORZ Warszawy


The perfect guy doesn`t exist

Autor: Gonzales, Sophie

Ivy Winslow has the house to herself for a week while her parents are away. She’s planning to use this newfound freedom to binge-watch her favorite fantasy TV show, H-MAD, and hang out with her best friend, Henry. She’ll also have to avoid her former best friend-turned enemy (and neighbor), Mack. But things quickly go awry when Ivy wakes up to find Weston, the gorgeous, very fictional main character of H-MAD in her bedroom, claiming to be her soul mate.Ivy realizes that her fanfic

writing has somehow brought Weston as she’s imagined him to life. But it turns out that the tropes she swoons over in her stories are slightly less romantic in reality, and her not-so-fictional crush is causing some real-world problems. To figure out why Weston is here and what to do with him, Ivy decides to team up with Henry and (against her better judgment) Mack. But with Mack back in her life, Ivy starts to wonder if Weston, her “perfect guy", is the one who’s truly perfect for her . . . or if that was someone else all along.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Sophie Gonzales
Mniejszości seksualne
Literatura dla młodzieży
Literatura australijska
Adres wydawniczy:London : Hodder Children`s Books, 2024.
Nośnik:294, [10] stron :
Forma gatunek:Książki. . . Proza. . .
Powstanie dzieła:2024 r.
Odbiorcy:Młodzież. 14-17 lat.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Czytelnia nr 16
Plac Inwalidów 3 ul. gen. Józefa Zajączka 8

Sygnatura: Zajączka 8: 821-3 Lit. w
Numer inw.: 27851
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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