The tailor of Panama
"Krawiec z Panamy "
Charmer, fabulist and tailor to Panama`s rich and powerful, Henry Pendel loves to tell stories. But when the British spy Andrew Osnard - a man of large appetites, for women, information and above all money - walks into his shop, Henry`s fantastical inventions take on a life of their own. Soon he finds himself out of his depth in an international game he can never hope to win. Le CarrU`s savage satire on the espionage trade is set in a corrupt universe without heroes or honour, where the innocent are collateral damage and treachery plays out as tragic farce.
Odpowiedzialność: | John Le Carré. |
Seria: | Modern Classics |
Hasła: | Powieść angielska - 20 w. |
Adres wydawniczy: | [London] : Penguin Books, 2017. |
Opis fizyczny: | 359, [1] s. ; 20 cm. |
Uwagi: | Tekst w języku angielskim. |
Skocz do: | Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki |
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