Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy ŻOLIBORZ Warszawy


Other lives but mine

Tyt. oryg. : "Autres vies que la mienne ".

Autor: Carrere, Emmanuel

The night before the wave, I remember that Hél?ne and I talked about separating. It wouldn`t be complicated; we didn`t live together, hadn`t had a child, and were even able to see ourselves remaining friends, and yet, it was sad. It was Christmas 2004.`In Sri Lanka, a tsunami sweeps a child out to sea, her grandfather helpless against the onrushing water. In France, a young woman succumbs to illness, leaving her husband and small children bereft. Present at both events, Emmanuel Carr?re sets

out to tell the story of two families-shattered and ultimately restored. What he accomplishes is nothing short of a literary miracle: a heartrending narrative of endless love, a meditation on courage and decency in the face of adversity, an intimate and reverent look at the extraordinary beauty and nobility of ordinary lives.

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Emmanuel Carr?re ; translated by Linda Coverdale.
Hasła:Powieść francuska - 20 w.
Adres wydawniczy:London : Serpent`s Tail, 2012.
Opis fizyczny:243 s. ; 22 cm.
Uwagi:Translated from the French.Tekst w języku angielskim.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Czytelnia nr 16
Plac Inwalidów 3 ul. gen. Józefa Zajączka 8

Sygnatura: Zajączka 8: 821-3 Lit. w j. a
Numer inw.: 23690
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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