Biblioteka Publiczna

w Dzielnicy ŻOLIBORZ Warszawy


Firewall [ang.]

Autor: Mankell, Henning

Wallander remains one of the most impressive and credible creations of crime fiction today` The TimesStopping to get money from a cash machine one evening, a man inexplicably falls to the ground: dead. A taxi dirver is brutally murdered by two teenaged girls. Quickly apprehended they appal local policemen with their total lack of remorse. One girl escapes police custody and disappears without trace. Soon afterwards a blackout covers half the country. When an engineer arrives at the

malfunctioning power station, he makes a grisly discovery. Inspector Kurt Wallander is sure that these events must be linked - somehow. Hampered by the discovery of betrayals in his own team, lonely and frustrated, Wallander begins to lose conviction in his role as a detective. The search for answers leads Wallander dangerously close to a shadowy group of anarchic terrorists, hidden within the anonymity of cyberspace. Somehow these criminals seem always to know the police`s next move. Wallander finds himself fighting to outsmart them In their gripping police procedural about our increasing vulnerability in the modern digitalised world. - See more at:

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:Henning Mankell ; transl. from the swedish by Ebba Segerberg.
Hasła:Powieść szwedzka - 21 w.
Adres wydawniczy:London : Vintage, 2004.
Opis fizyczny:[6], 534 s. ; 18 cm.
Uwagi:Na okł.: A Kurt Wallander novel. Stanowi cz. 8 cyklu. Tekst w jęz. ang. tł. z jęz. szw.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Czytelnia nr 16
Plac Inwalidów 3 ul. gen. Józefa Zajączka 8

Sygnatura: 821-3 Lit. w j. angielskim
Numer inw.: 23725
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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